
decltype and declval

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[image: Nike store Lekki, Lagos]

decltype and declval are two keywords you would see a lot when working with template metaprogramming in C++, because they help in determining and manipulating types at compile-time, enabling more flexible and powerful generic programming


decltype is used when you want the compiler to deduce a type based on an expression or variable. For an expression it deduces the type without evaluating it by analyzing the expression's value category and type.

you can have decltype (entity) or decltype (expression) where this entity or expression can be parenthesized or unparenthesized (stay with me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

When you apply decltype to an unparenthesized entity or expression decltype(parameter), decltype returns the exact type of the variable as it was declared.

This means that if the variable was declared as a reference (either lvalue or rvalue reference), decltype will preserve that reference in the result.

int x = 5;
int& y = x;

decltype(x) a; // `a` is of type `int`
decltype(y) b = a; // `b` is of type `int&
  • In this example, decltype(x) returns int because x was declared as an int.
  • decltype(y) returns int& because y was declared as an int&

But when decltype is applied to a parenthesized entity or expression decltype((parameter)), it follows a different set of rules to deduce the type.

The rules for parenthesized decltype are as follows:

  • If the expression is an lvalue, decltype returns T&, where T is the underlying type of the expression.
  • If the expression is a prvalue (pure rvalue, a subset of rvalues, Temporary values with no specific memory address. I like to call them the real rvalues), decltype returns the underlying type T without any reference qualifiers.
  • If the expression is an xvalue (eXpiring value, object that is about to be moved or is near the end of its lifetime), decltype returns T&&, where T is the underlying type of the expression.
int a = 10;                  // `a` is an lvalue
int b = a + 20;              // `a + 20` is a prvalue (temporary result)
int&& c = std::move(a);      // `std::move(a)` is an xvalue

int x = 5;

decltype(x + 0) d; // `d` is of type `int` (prvalue)
decltype((x)) e = d; // `e` is of type `int&` (lvalue)
decltype(std::move(x)) f = 10; // `f` is of type `int&&` (xvalue)
  • decltype(x + 0) returns int because x + 0 is a prvalue (a temporary value).
  • decltype((x)) returns int& because (x) is an lvalue expression.

Why Use decltype When We Can Use auto?

This brings up an important question: Why use decltype when we can just use auto? 🀷🏻

Well, while both decltype and auto are used for type deduction, they serve different purposes and have different behaviors, particularly when it comes to handling references.

When you use auto to deduce the type of a variable, it generally strips away references unless you explicitly instruct it to keep them. This means that if the expression is an lvalue reference, auto will usually deduce it as the base type rather than maintaining the reference


int x = 42;
int& ref_x = x;

auto a = ref_x;    // `a` is deduced as `int`, not `int&`
a = 100;           // Modifies `a`, but `ref_x` (and `x`) remain unchanged

decltype(ref_x) b = ref_x;  // `b` is deduced as `int&`, exactly matching `ref_x`
b = 100;                    // Modifies `b`, which also modifies `x`

In this example, auto deduces a as an int, even though ref_x is an int&. The reference is stripped, and a becomes a separate int variable, independent of ref_x.

decltype(ref_x) deduces b as int&, preserving the reference. Any modification to b directly affects x because b is a reference to x.

Using decltype in Functions

You can use decltype in functions to deduce return types based on the function's arguments or expressions.

template<typename T>
auto fcn (T i) -> decltype(i) {
    return i;

template<typename T>
decltype(auto) fcn (T i) {
    return i;

Both versions work, but why use decltype(auto) when you can use decltype(expression)? decltype(expression) is more explicit, making it clearer what type you're dealing with, but both approaches are valid and functionally equivalent.

To get more insights on decltype look at C++ value categories and decltype demystified


std::declval is a utility that creates a "fake" instance of a type by returning an rvalue reference to that type.

However, this fake instance does not actually exist in memory, it’s just a conceptual tool that the compiler uses to deduce types

This means that std::declval can only be used in unevaluated contexts. If you tried to evaluate an expression involving std::declval, the code would attempt to access a non-existent object, leading to undefined behavior or a compilation error.

Therefore, std::declval must only be used in contexts where the expression is analyzed for its type without actually being executed.

In C++, certain contexts allow you to inspect or deduce types without actually performing the operations involved. These are known as "unevaluated contexts."

Examples of unevaluated contexts include:

  • decltype: Used to deduce the type of an expression without evaluating the expression.
  • sizeof: Determines the size of a type or expression without evaluating the expression.
  • noexcept: Checks whether an expression can throw an exception without evaluating the expression.

In simple terms, std::declval can't be used on its own! πŸ˜†

#include <utility>

int main() {
    auto obj = std::declval<int>();  // Error: `std::declval` cannot be used here
  • Here, we are trying to use std::declval<int>() as if it were a real object, but since std::declval does not actually create an object, this code is invalid and will result in an error.

Using std::declval with decltype:

#include <utility>
struct MyClass {
    int foo() const { return 42; }

// Here, `std::declval<MyClass>()` is used in an unevaluated context
// to deduce the return type of `foo()` without creating an actual `MyClass` object.

decltype(std::declval<MyClass>().foo()) x;  // Deduces `x` as `int`
  • In this example, std::declval<MyClass>() is used within decltype, which is an unevaluated context. The compiler determines the return type of foo() (which is int) without ever creating an instance of MyClass.

Using std::declval with sizeof:

#include <utility>
struct MyClass {
    void someMethod() {}

// `sizeof` checks the size of the return type of `someMethod`
// without actually calling `someMethod` or creating a `MyClass` object.

constexpr size_t size = sizeof(std::declval<MyClass>().someMethod());
  • Here, sizeof is an unevaluated context. It calculates the size of the return type of someMethod without invoking the method or creating a MyClass object.

Using std::declval with noexcept:

#include <utility>
struct MyClass {
    void someMethod() noexcept {}

// `noexcept` checks if `someMethod` can throw an exception
// without calling `someMethod` or creating a `MyClass` object.

constexpr bool isNoExcept = noexcept(std::declval<MyClass>().someMethod());
  • In this case, noexcept is an unevaluated context. It checks if someMethod is marked as noexcept (indicating it won't throw an exception) without actually calling the method.